Togetherness & Solitude: The Exquisite Balance

Many of the women I work with, in my workshops and one-to-one sessions, are unhappy regarding relationships. Perhaps their partnership lacks vitality, or they are single and despairing of ever being happily paired with a compassionate other. I can empathise with both these states which, amazingly, I can also now look back upon through the [...]

By | 2017-08-26T21:36:37+00:00 August 24th, 2017|AccepTTranscend, Positively Mental, Woman Undiluted|

Psychological Crisis: Dismantling the Walls

The day before the Berlin Wall came down, I lost my mind. It was the eighth of November 1989; a Thursday. Much later, my best friend Alison noted “two walls came down at once”. Mental illness affects at least one quarter of the population of the Western World. For those who have not suffered it, [...]

By | 2019-11-11T14:52:58+00:00 July 25th, 2017|Positively Mental|

Disorders, Difficulties and words that start with Dys: Fenna’s Story (Full Version)

This post is a celebration, a culmination, a letting go and a re-commitment. It is a story I need to tell, and I hope it will resonate with others, and inspire them, There is a condensed version if you'd prefer. What a month it's been! Two weeks ago my daughter Fenna was notified that she [...]

By | 2018-02-28T22:34:14+00:00 July 12th, 2017|Dystinctive Learning, Positively Mental, Woman Undiluted|

Disorders, Difficulties and words that start with Dys (Condensed Version))

What a month it has been! Two weeks ago my daughter Fenna was notified that she has achieved a 2:1 degree in Psychology. The next day she learned that she has also been successful in her first ever “proper” job application. She aced her very first interview and will start her “dream job” in a [...]

By | 2018-02-28T22:39:05+00:00 July 11th, 2017|Dystinctive Learning, Positively Mental, Woman Undiluted|

Rehoming Hope

Perhaps you’ve noticed we are living in challenging times. Times in which hope, while never needed more, can sometimes seem inadequate for the crises we are facing. I have been facilitating workshops that explore and identify hope for many years, and repeatedly witnessed its power to guide people through the darkest times. An acquaintance recently [...]

By | 2017-08-27T19:01:14+00:00 June 18th, 2017|AccepTTranscend, Positively Mental, Woman Undiluted|

Light follows Darkness: Transition, Gratitude and Trust

It’s March today! Flowers are blooming, buds erupting on the trees, and blossoms appearing everywhere. I didn’t see it coming, in this new environment of mine. The huge magnolia tree that’s heralded the start of Spring for me these past 24 years is 100 miles away, and I live in a city now, with fewer [...]

By | 2017-08-27T18:57:07+00:00 March 1st, 2017|AccepTTranscend, Positively Mental, Woman Undiluted|