Woman Undiluted 2017-08-28T13:22:22+00:00

Cherish the Spark


Throughout the ages, women have been required to be, and not to be, many things.
As a little girl I was required to be quiet, demure, pretty, delicate, polite, obedient, sweet, helpful and subservient to boys. I was required not to be boisterous, loud, demanding, “too brave”, muddy, fascinated, curious, wild, angry or self-sufficient…(read blog)


Being a woman can be an endless, glorious adventure, but before we can truly celebrate our gender, we often need to undo the conditioning that has diluted us through many years of trying to be what others have required of us.

Woman Undiluted offers workshops, courses and individual coaching/transpersonal therapy to women who are ready to encounter and embrace their authentic, undiluted selves, and begin the celebration.



Latest blog posts

Disorders, Difficulties and words that start with Dys (Condensed Version))

By | July 11th, 2017|Categories: Dystinctive Learning, Positively Mental, Woman Undiluted|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

What a month it has been! Two weeks ago my daughter Fenna was notified that she has achieved a 2:1 degree in Psychology. The next day she learned that she has also been successful in [...]

FF is for Ffeminist – Breasts, Bras and the Older Woman

By | June 21st, 2017|Categories: Woman Undiluted|

I’ve got big breasts. I have had since, at the age of 11, the startling bumps that had recently appeared on my little-girl chest suddenly inflated into something with a definite cleavage. Mortified with shame, [...]

Light follows Darkness: Transition, Gratitude and Trust

By | March 1st, 2017|Categories: AccepTTranscend, Positively Mental, Woman Undiluted|

It’s March today! Flowers are blooming, buds erupting on the trees, and blossoms appearing everywhere. I didn’t see it coming, in this new environment of mine. The huge magnolia tree that’s heralded the start of [...]