Commemorating Hiroshima, City of Peace
HIROSHIMA DAY Seventy-four years ago today, at 8.15am on 6th August 1945, the world’s first nuclear attack took place in Hiroshima, Japan. Today, people worldwide are paying tribute to the hundreds of thousands whose lives [...]
Togetherness & Solitude: The Exquisite Balance
Many of the women I work with, in my workshops and one-to-one sessions, are unhappy regarding relationships. Perhaps their partnership lacks vitality, or they are single and despairing of ever being happily paired with a [...]
The People We Were Born to Be
The AccepTTranscend Model for Transformation explores, in part, the power of the stories we tell ourselves, and others, about our lives. We tend to think we cannot change the past. But we can change the [...]
The Empty Nest is a Fluid Thing
It is that time of year that young people prepare to leave for college and university. Exciting, for them and their parents, but sometimes devastating too for the erstwhile caregivers left behind. I used to [...]
Feathers, Sticks, Guano and Wisdom: The Debris of the Empty Nest
I’m trying to work out how to effectively launch a new Twitter account. At 57, IT-active but still cautiously emerging from a tunnel of innate technophobia, this is a challenge for me. I want to [...]
Psychological Crisis: Dismantling the Walls
The day before the Berlin Wall came down, I lost my mind. It was the eighth of November 1989; a Thursday. Much later, my best friend Alison noted “two walls came down at once”. Mental [...]
Emptying Nest
This month Fenna, my youngest child, has finished university with a good degree and secured her dream job far away from my home. I have celebrated her success, my heart overflowing with joy, and that [...]
Disorders, Difficulties and words that start with Dys: Fenna’s Story (Full Version)
This post is a celebration, a culmination, a letting go and a re-commitment. It is a story I need to tell, and I hope it will resonate with others, and inspire them, There is a [...]
Disorders, Difficulties and words that start with Dys (Condensed Version))
What a month it has been! Two weeks ago my daughter Fenna was notified that she has achieved a 2:1 degree in Psychology. The next day she learned that she has also been successful in [...]